What is Acai Detox?

This may be a valid question to many of us, as the term "Acai Detox" or "Acai Berry Detox" is a relatively new term in health circles to many people in the world today. Detoxing your body by using antioxidants has been a medical practice for a while, but the discovery of the wonderful Acai Berry with its miraculous natural properties is a relatively new way to lose weight and cleanse the body. Detoxifying the body of excess toxin buildup is necessary and the Acai berry carries the natural formula for removing them. The new Acai Berry Detox treatment can help you lose five pounds or more of excess weight naturally.

The origin of the Acai Berry

The Acai originates from the south central region of South America in Brazil. The natural benefits are certainly not new to the people of Brazil however. This is where the Acai berry is picked from the Acai Palm tree, which is native to this region of South America. The Brazilian people have been consuming the Acai Berry as part of their natural diet for thousands of years, thus gaining all the nutritional and natural healing benefits automatically, being unaware of the scientifically proven advantages. Their bodies have been kept naturally lean and vibrant simply by way of their normal daily diet.

Why detox?

In the modern day fast paced lifestyle, there is a great deal of stress and lack of exercise, plus the consumption of fast foods. The result, the body cannot function normally. The condition worsens progressively while toxins continue to build up inside the colon and intestines eventually leading to an unhealthy weight, even obesity. This is very dangerous as it can progress to all kinds of other health risks like heart failure, which leads to heart attacks. When we continue to eat without proper cleansing of the body to rid itself of toxins and excess fat we open ourselves to a serious problems with our health.

Under these conditions the body builds up excess natural 'free radicals', which in their natural form assist the digestive system. This excess in 'free radicals' is not neutralized or flushed out quickly enough and leads to the build up of toxins which remain, unchecked, in the system for far too long casing disease and ill health. The Antioxidants used in the detoxing neutralize and clear the body of excess dangerous toxins caused by food byproducts, chemicals, and natural excess of waste buildup. We need Acai Detox to rid our bodies of the excess toxins produced on a daily basis.

Detoxification There are a number of Detox products out there today, some of which are hoaxes and others whose reports range from 'somewhat effective' to 'effective' remedies. But this Detox formula is considered the most effective means of detoxing the body, while naturally shedding excess weight and maximizing your health and vitality. The Acai berry is totally free from harmful side effects and beats other chemical and medical fat loss and detoxing remedies hands down.

Another reason why this is so effective is because the Acai berry is very high in fiber, which aids the body in detoxifying by thoroughly cleaning out the digestive tract and colon. The Acai berry is a super food that provides antioxidants but also phytosterols, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and it is high in fiber.

Treatment The best procedure of treatment is to take the Detox treatment, available in different forms, as prescribed at first, to gain the maximum benefit of detoxification and the loss of weight. After you have completed the treatment. A maintenance program is advised in order to keep your new healthy weight and to reduce risks of new buildup of toxic bacteria and byproducts in the future. It is advisable to consume the Acai berry in as natural a state as a regular part of your health and wellness program to maximize the long term benefits to overall health. This includes increased vitality and energy, while remaining slim and trim. You will also enjoy a much-improved general state of health with Acai products. The juice and tablet forms of treatment are highly recommended and work as well as the natural berry product.

Antoinette. Johnson,
Business and technical writer with has written articles, technical documents, and reviews for Fortune 100 Companies over the past 15 years.

Background career includes Systems Analyst, IT Developer and Instructor as well as Business Research Analyst for the automotive and economic sectors. An MBA Graduate with degrees in Computer Science and Entrepreneurial Business Management, she is Married originally from Chicago, now living in Michigan. Email: MsJohnson@Alumni.Davenport.edu Web: http://ToneeJohnson.com