DrinksYou can search for detox drinks and get a whole list of different drinks. For instance, if you are looking for a pre-bundled product, you've got the Master Cleanse. If you prefer to make your own drinks, you can use filtered water plus the juice from vegetables and fruits.
SupplementsThe natural health market offers several detox products. Some of these are:
Activated charcoal - rids your body of intestinal toxins and unhealthy microbial growth.Bentonite clay - Acts as a laxative and carries toxins out of the colon.Psyllium - Dietary fiber that helps to keep your bowels regular.Alfalfa - Cleanses the GI tract and helps to rid your bladder of stones.Many of these supplements should be mixed with water. The best water to use is filtered tap water.
FoodsMany grocery stores offer detox products in their produce department, without even realizing it! These foods include:
Broccoli - a good source of soluble fiberCauliflower - contains a substance which may improve the liver's detoxification of carcinogenic substances.Onions - Western Yellow and shallot onions are the most effective types in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in the liver and colon.Garlic - helps to regulate blood sugar levelsArtichokes - increases bile production, which aids in the digestion processBeets - the roots can be used as a laxative
Tea ingredientsMany detox plans recommend drinking tea as part of the detox regimen. Tea with any of the following ingredients are most commonly recommended:
GingerMilk ThistleLicoriceRooibosBlank pepperDandelion
As you can see, if you desire to detoxify your body, you have a plethora of options. When you begin the detox program, you might be on a liquid only diet for a couple of days. Drinking plenty of water is essential in this first phase. Then, as you continue with the detoxification plan, you will begin to add in various foods. Make sure that you continue to drink water, even if you are drinking different juices, as water has many healthy benefits.
If you are planning on engaging in a detoxification regimen, find out what products are available to help you be successful.
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