Increased energy and stamina and a stronger immune system is another benefit of using the Detox Drops or any colon cleanser, once they have eliminated the toxins that can make you sick and rundown. Detox Drops don't really appear to be a colon cleanser, although they may be effective for detoxing certain organs.
Detox Drops combine the detoxifying effects of Western herbal medicine with African herbalism to reduce bloating, eliminate toxin build-ups and offers improvement to the metabolism and immune system. Through ingredients like dandelion and fennel, it has diuretic properties. The other ingredient, Pelargonium reniforment, is a medicinal plant used for generations in South Africa, known for liver benefits, and used as a digestive tonic.
Detox Drops show results within a few hours, when increased urination flushes toxins that can cause the lack of energy and other day-to-day symptoms. Because of the diuretic properties of the ingredients, it would appear to be more of a kidney cleansing, than a colon cleansing. Not much mention is made of high fiber ingredients and other things typically found in a colon cleanser.
The website mentions that Detox Drops are "manufactured according to the highest pharmaceutical standards and the individual ingredients are well researched and found to be safe and effective." You can get a 30-day supply for around $40 or under, which is the price range for most of the detoxing products. They offer- buy two bottles get one free bottle purchase, which is a good deal and they have a 60-day money back guarantee.
This product does not claim to be a colon cleanser, although it is a means of detoxifying, primarily the small intestinal system. It is mentioned as part of an herbal weight loss program, probably due to the water weight that is lost with any diuretic. Of course, if you are already on diuretics, Detox Drops has a warning against taking their product.
For those that want to flush the system, Detox Drops would work as a diuretic and you would need to drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration. You will experience water weight loss with this type of product, but that would be only temporary, most water weight is regained when you stop taking a diuretic- medical or herbal formulation. However, diuretics are good as a short-term toxin cleansing, since they will flush out excess fat and other toxins in the water loss.
Detox Drops are dissolved in water and taken three times a day for 6 weeks. It is not good to use them for longer periods of time because of the dehydrating effects, although they still need to be taken while drinking a lot of water for the best results in de-toxification.
Learn more about How To Detoxify Your Body and other great information about cleansing the body by visiting Detoxifying Your Body