No one is a 100 percent free of toxins inside. I mean that the detoxification process is not always a hundred percent successful and the body needs some external help with the detoxification process. This can be achieved in many ways including dieting, use of detox kits and other medication especially herbal detoxification tonics and pills.
People are of the belief that they are free of toxins because they are in total control of the cleanliness. Nothing can be further from the truth. There are toxins in everything we consume, and when we are not consuming it it is entering our system through the pores of our skin and he air we breathe. The vegetables we eat are sprayed with pesticides which are not completely washed off before cooking. These chemicals turn up in our system as toxins.
The air we breathe is polluted with smoke and petroleum fumes, in addition to this there are chemicals in the house that come from the toiletries we use. These sprays and shampoos and soaps are loaded with toxins that will enter our system through our eyes, nose and skin and later build up to such an extent that it will be almost impossible for the natural process of the body to rid itself of them. Toxins in the body will eventually lead to health problems and so must be purged from the body at regular intervals to prevent a build up of toxin levels.
Medical science has come a long way and with it comes many discoveries in the detoxification process of he human body. Humans have developed ways to increase their life span and treat symptoms of dreaded diseases and alleviate a lot of pain through proper medical procedures. However, it is these same medications that leave behind a residue that builds up as toxins in the system. These toxins have their own side effects. In fact any kind of medication adds to the build up of toxins in the system. It is imperative that these toxins should be purged from he system to prevent any health problems in time.
Our kidney and liver are able to rid the system of toxins to a great extent, however, when the toxins build up to such an extent it is important for us to find the right detox product to help the process along. There are detox kits that can be used in he home and they do a very good job too. These kits contain detox herbal products that can be used along with a diet plan that comes with the detox kit. In about 5 days you will be relatively free from toxins in your body with proper use of these detox products. It is equally important to find the right detox product that works well for you. This could mean a bit of trial and error but before long you will definitely find it.